
Pinatas are for suckers

It's Pinata time everyone, and Carnival Cruise picked the weekend between Barack Obama's win and the Phillies winning the World Series in Philadelphia. Ridiculous. This sucked SOOOO bad.
1) There was very little planning for the thousands of people who showed up.
2) No crowd control.
3) All the candy was shitty and generic.
4) Who really does give a shit about Carnival Cruise anyway.

As you may be able to tell from these shots we had to start making our own fun in between staring at the totally excessive pinata and laughing at the futile attempt of of the Cruise staff controlling the angry mob hungry for candy.

At the end it was a total bust. Philly misbehaved so much that they punished us by not smashing the pinata with the big plastic wrecking ball. Shame on us.



Last night, if you haven't heard, the Phillies won the World Series. The last 3 innings were a real cliff hanger. I was convinced something bad was going to happen to our boys. Then while I glanced away for a second we did it! Before I even saw the TV again I heard the whole city exhale. Outside a heard of horns, firecrackers, screaming the whole house was all raised up and shit. I'm not one to take the best photos after boozing it up a bit so excuse the blurriness.



I was playing around with two photos from the MONA shoot last night. I especially loved the long exposure shots showing the movement and color from the dresses. I just took these two favorites bumped up the contrast, brightness, and erased some of the asphalt. I know the purist left me last night as i was doing this but I felt these images needed a bit more than the everyday canned moment that I'm normally so romantic about.



I recently went to MONA (Made On North American) for a photo shoot with Becca Pulver's handmade dresses she made for her wedding last year. Afterwards we went inside for a party in their studio. They showed off some of the things they had been laboring on recently as well as good beer and music. It was Joe Pattituci's "Tadoma" and friends "Battle Ready" to follow. Both sets were short and sweet and could have gone on for hours if it wasn't for some guy who thought it'd be a good idea to take lots of acid and make crow noises all night. Becca kicked him out and we all sighed under our breath.
I have grown very fond of "work shops" as of late. You'll find near the end of the slide show I snuck upstairs to find an imaculate lair of a wood shop. I loved every bit from the glowing radio to the sawdusted tables.


I love leather part 2

The work shop was incredible! These machines had a a great smell to them!

I love leather part 1

Me and the wifey went out to the outskirts of Reading to find a saddle repair shop. Aaron had everything here. The place wreaked of beautiful leather and lacquer. Here are a few of the saddles he repaired and was putting out for sale. A few where there on consignment from local saddle smiths.


tropical storm Hanna

This is the day after the storm. It was Bike Week in Wildwood!


First comes the snap

Found @ 11th and Pine in Philly before bumping into M and L for an impromtu stoop party.