

I feel like this is sort of turning into a vacation blog.  I have been doing a lot of other stuff that's worth documenting but for now I've been having fun updating this blog with photos from a few trips Beth and I have been taking recently.  Most recently we had an opportunity to visit Los Angeles, California.  We attended an opening at La Luz de Jesus where Beth was showing some new pieces.  I loved L.A. the people were so positive, the light through the smog and mountains was so warm in color, the air was dry, cold was 50 degrees, and hot was 75.  I'll share some images of our time there that are worth getting into.

Check out more shots from L.A. here.


Questionable Water

Last week I took a side job with my wife Beth.  The trip took us to Cape Canaveral Florida, Nassau Bahamas, Freeport, back to Nassau and to Key West.

Here's a few highlights.

Found a few old storm casualties in Nassau

 A hidden corner with the only stencils around
 Side of a bus
 Maya Hayuk mural
 Showin his stuff as we started sweet talkin him

More pictures from the trip here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimcoughlin/sets/72157629063848202/


Ocean Wish

In the world of photo's sometimes I wish I had a high quality motion camera to film some images in a row.  For now we'll all appreciate photoshop .gif's.