


That's right ladies and gentlemen puddle painting known as "Ice Capedes" has been sold. Drexel University's 6th Annual Art Auction on Friday March 6th was a huge success. My little painting sat alone with no bids at the silent auction for about an hour until someone offered a bid. I noticed someone shortly after was convinced of the same idea and upped the bid another 5 dollars! I waited the hole night, entertaining a few unexpected friends and sucking down as much free food and drink as I could feed myself. If you look carefully in the flicker link above you may be able to find me doing just that. Congratulations to the Dupont Chemical employee that was moved by my piece enough do drop 45 big ones down on my piece. I was moved by the fact that he was a chemist at Dupont and wanted to hang his piece in his office at work while he dreamed up ways to protect peoples' carpets and ways to reformulate polyurathane that could help my paintings!

Oker Erauntsi